Tuesday, February 28, 2012

roc's eggs

Having found a mini of Chamade parfum, I am now at a standstill for perfume buying. Finding a cheap bottle of Chamade was an obsession for a year - I've held (and cursed) many empty bottles and factices, but now that the glass heart pierced with a dart is safely in my closet, what do I do? What do I obsess over next? Tell me what I should place a target over and I'll try to let the arrow fly.

* * *
In my head now is witchery and future folklore. You wouldn't tell by looking at me (dirty Vans and lazy hair) that my secret world is scented with beeswax candles, brackish fern-croaked holywells, and various roots and sprigs. Here are some roc's eggs for you to search for (pref. to a soundtrack of Broadcast and Sonoko):

The Living Stones: Cornwall by Ithell Colquhoun. The 'Obby 'Oss, charms, walking barefoot on country lanes. Pure silence. A reminder to be receptive

The Man, Myth, and Magic encyclopedia set. Everything to know about ley lines, holy rollers, hysteria, and menhirs. This set will take you down so many paths. I read these over and over again as a child. These made me, ha!

Down Below by Leonora Carrington. Even though this book describes her incarceration in an asylum, Leonora still represents ultimate Surrealist freedom in love and language.

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